MTCIA Thanks Congressional Delegation & Looks Forward to More Dialogue

The MTCIA would like to thank the Montana delegation for standing up for the 2nd amendment rights of the citizens of Montana who use medical marijuana. We greatly appreciate your recognizing and objecting to the trampling of Montanans’ and Americans’ 2nd amendment rights.

 We hope our delegation can continue to participate in the conversation here in Montana about the ways in which federal drug policies have trampled on citizens’ rights. In Montana, peoples’ lives have been saved, their health improved or restored, and jobs have been created with Montana’s recognition of medical marijuana. Yet federal policies based on a fiction have destroyed lives here and interferes with creating a safe and quality medical cannabis system. Like peoples’ guns, we feel that people’s lives, well-being, safety, and economic survival are worth considering. We believe that the truth does matter.

Thank the MT Delegation for Supporting the Constitutional Rights of Cannabis Patients

Contact info:

Contact Senator Tester:

(202) 224-2644

Contact Senator Baucus:

(202) 224-2651

Contact Representative Rehberg:,62

 (202) 225-3211


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